As each new year rolls in, it seems like the perfect time to pull out old ideas and rehash some resolutions.  After the holidays dropping carbs or starting a daily morning run.  It seems like such a great idea, but the inevitable guilt that creeps in after the third day of cake, or the ‘why bother’ after you’ve skipped a weekend of running ends up conning you out of keeping your resolve.  

That’s why we think that the new year should be less about setting yourself up for failure and more about investing time in yourself.  Eating and exercise are great tools for building wellbeing. They should be integrated without the pressure of ‘resolutions’ because sometimes that can make them so easy to give up.  

We’ve thought about it, and come up with three resolutions which we believe offer a healthy dose of self-care and will help instil some mindfulness into every day.  Have a read and see if they could be used to enrich your new year.

1/ Less, but better

These three words sum themselves up completely.  This new year take some time to think about all the ‘long ways around’ you take and see how you can trim the fat and get back to basics.  Whether in the kitchen, your wardrobe or simply in relationships, sometimes stripping things back and only keeping the essential is the only way to feel truly free.

2/ Develop a personal style

There is nothing better than feeling comfortable in your own skin and clothing is little more than personality you wear.  Take some time to think about what makes you comfortable inside and out.  Clear out your wardrobe and get rid of the ‘stuff’  developing a personal style is about quality over quantity and sharing your you with the world.


3/ Gratitude and Generosity

Nothing is as fulfilling as the joy of generosity and that is both to others and to yourself.  This year think about all the ways you want to share your gifts with the world.  The new year is also the perfect time to sit and reflect on what you have.  Starting a gratitude journal is a wonderful way to continue reminding yourself of all the good things and staying on track to living in the now.

January 04, 2017 — Aviva Payne
Tags: Wellbeing